Employment standards

Comment communiquer de façon efficace / How to communicate effectively

This workshop informs participants of the key elements of Alberta’s employment standards and therefore their rights and responsibilities in the workplace.

Effective professional networking: LinkedIn and social media

Stratégies de recherche d'emploi

This workshop exposes participants to the importance of virtual professional networking. Among other things, we will teach them how to create, update and use LinkedIn to network, to complete a training or to find a job. The workshop will explain how to use social media for job search.

Understanding your career goals + Understanding the Canadian hiring process

Travail d'équipe / Teamwork

Understanding your career goals

This workshop will provide participants with great tools to allow them to evaluate their career goals based on their professional profiles and the requirements of the Canadian job market

Understanding the Canadian hiring process

This workshop is very useful for newcomers to Canada. It informs about all the steps of the recruitment process and provides tips on how to successfully complete each step.

Why us? + How to successfully integrate the Canadian workplace culture

Qui suis-je?

Why us?

This workshop is an introduction to employment services and will present clients to access emploi services and the requirements for moving from one program to another.

How to successfully integrate the Canadian workplace culture

This workshop presents the keys to successful integration into the Canadian workplace culture.